For the Animals

People love animals

Many people claim to be animal-lovers. They call “their” animals, ‘friends’ or ‘family members’. Other people don’t feel a particular connection to animals but nevertheless would never want to harm them, and sometimes go as far to say they “wouldn’t hurt a fly”. There are very few people who would say they simply don’t care about what happens to animals (or humans).

Nevertheless, in Switzerland we needlessly slaughter about 76.5 million animals every year!


As very young children, we are conditioned to treat animals differently due to external characteristics. We group animals together in different categories which is completely arbitrary as there is no logical basis for this moral discrimination. With our actions, we determine the destiny of a living being which is defined by the species to which it belongs and not by its ability to suffer. Of course rationally, it should be the other way round.

Unquestioned Belief Systems

Our society has carved out various beliefs into stone, including carnism as described by Melanie Joy, which is an unquestioned belief that some animals are there to be eaten whereas others are there to be stroked.

Cognitive dislocation makes wrongdoing possible

We have grown up with the misconception that animal products are normal, natural and necessary. Cognitive dislocation makes wrong actions possible, normalising a behavior that we would in other circumstances, call cruel. We succeed in doing this through various repression mechanisms, excuse strategies, concealment tactics and cognitive distortions. This is the only way we manage to see beyond the realities of our unjust actions, to be bought by advertising lies, to talk about them without thought and to continue to live with our actual cognitive dissonance.

Viewing individuals as goods

Advertising and targeted-marketing campaigns contributes to maintaining speciesism (discrimination on the basis of species affiliation). Decades of devaluing so-called “beneficial” animals to goods has brought sentient living beings into anonymity. With this anonymity, animals are only considered buyable units. What philosophically seems incomprehensible is socially real – despite all having equal wishes and needs such as to live, play, relax and enjoy their surroundings, humans treat non-human animals completely unequally.

Living Beings

Philosophically speaking, a living being is born to live, hence its name. The distinction between a ‘farm animal’ (by which one usually understands an animal who should not live for its own sake and not for a long time) and a ‘pet’ (which is usually thought to live as long and as good a good life as possible) can neither be justified logically nor ethically.


Animals suffer as much as we do. In suffering we are all the same regardless of whether we are a human, a dog, a pig, a cat or chicken. Animals have a wide spectrum of emotions including love, joy, grief, fear and pain. We must respect the fact that animals have these feelings and like us strive to avoid situations which would cause them distress. It is our duty to protect animals from unnecessary suffering. Nevertheless, it has become ‘normal’ for them to be exploited for monetary profit at the expense of their well-being.

Not a Private Matter

The suffering involved in the manufacture of animal products, in experimental laboratories, in the entertainment industry and in sport is immense and completely unnecessary. We can meet all of our needs and carry out leisure activities without animal suffering and it is our obligation to do so. If the well-being of another creature comes into play, our actions are no longer a private matter.

In which world do we want to live in?

If we have alternatives that do little or no harm to animals and to our environment, these are the options we ought to take. With every decision taken, we cast our vote for the type of world in which we want to live. We have an abundant number of opportunities, especially in Switzerland to make kinder decisions. If we decide to choose an option that involves suffering, we are giving our consent to a world in which animal abuse is considered acceptable. Alternatively, if we opt for the vegan option, we stand against suffering and for a non-violent, compassionate world.

Change has Begun

Fortunately, in recent years the general public has become more aware of the cruelty involved in processes involving animals and are no longer willing to accept them. Consumers and producers at every stage of the production chain are waking up, refusing to be a part of these practices and instead are choosing to support industries that actively create a place of peaceful coexistence. For example, farms will change to sanctuaries, abattoir workers to new occupations, dairy cheesemakers to vegan cheese makers.

Consumers are not only buying ethical products but are also campaigning for kinder forms of production. The animal suffering involved in current everyday life and its subsequent destruction of the environment has outraged the public. The demand for an end to the exploitation of humans, animals and nature has grown thanks to the cracks in the facades of their systems. Change is happening and we can feel it in all sectors of society.

It is more worthwhile to fight FOR something rather than fighting AGAINST something

From an ethical point of view, it is not enough to remain passive, simply choosing a vegan burger over a meat burger is not sufficient – it is the very minimum we can do. It is our responsibility as human beings to stand up against the atrocities that are happening on a daily basis and to fight for a peaceful future. The Animal Rights March is a wonderful opportunity to make a stand for all animals, for peace and for the future of our planet. It is not about sentimentality or dreams, but rather about hard facts and the need for urgent change.

Walking for the future

The Animal Rights March will be a colourful and positive way in which to show our unity and cohesiveness. It will be a demonstration to show the kind of world we want to live in – a world in which humans and non-human animals live together peacefully, sharing natural resources and habitats without abusing or exploiting each other. With the Animal Rights March we also show that we are not just a ‘few’ but a growing and strong community, with a common goal to create a better and kinder world.

The question is not if, but how.

It is no longer a question whether a kinder world can work or not. In view of the rapid destruction of the environment and climate change, in which animal production has proved to play a major role, the question is whether we can make these changes fast enough.

For the Environment

For the Environment

Our food choices are responsible for about one third of the negative environmental impact we cause. In no other area of our lives can we do more to limit the damage on our environment than by switching to a plant-based, organic and regional diet.

For our Health

For our Health

There are many misconceptions about vegan nutrition despite the fact that a balanced, wholesome plant diet is very healthy. A wholesome vegetable diet is naturally low in calories and contains few saturated fats; additional advantages are a high fibre content, antioxidants and phytochemicals.

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